Friday 24 April 2009

Audience Feedback

I asked fellow class mates to evaluate my project, pointing out the good and bad aspects of the front cover, contents page and double page spread in turn. The results I got were fairly pleasing, as most were complimentary of my work, however there were some points which were raised and there were parts which could have been improved.

Front Cover

The general feedback from my front cover was that it was average to good, with people pointing out the black outline around Dom as the particular highlight of the page. Parts that they didn't like about the page was the writing down the side; they said it could have been a better font, colour and size. Also some of the straplines were not attractive enough to draw in readers. Another criticism, not necessarily about the front cover, was the name I chose for my magazine. People criticised the name, MAN, as being easily misinterpreted and they said that it should have been a different acronym. Overall, the feedback I got for the front cover was good, however the criticisms could easily have been avoided if I had consulted before going through with the procedure.


The feedback for my contents page was average at best, with some people praising the use of imagery, and some criticising it. I got mixed reviews for this specific page, as class mates had differences in opinion with some liking the layout and imagery, and some disliking how it was set out. From this, there is not a lot I could change about it as altering one part would lead for the other group to start disliking the page. I had to settle with about a 60-40% split, with the majority liking the page as it was, however this is too close for a contents page, as the majority of all pages should be 80%+ in favour.

Double Page Spread

This is the page where most of my praise came from. It seems that the majority of my class liked my double page spread, which was a good thing to hear for my work. It seems that they liked the layout and the article which was written. The only criticism was that the image of Dom when he was 6 was too tight a fit and therefore looked out of place, however this was only a minor flaw. I am pleased with the way people responded to my double page spread as it seemed that it was about an 80% split, which is how I think every page should be.


Overall it seemed that the majority of my class liked my project and how each individual page turned out. I am pleased with the work I put in and how each page turned out, and therefore I believe that this project has been a useful task for me as it has made me realise the potential of PhotoShop.

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