Tuesday 30 September 2008

Answers to the questions (Preliminary)

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My front cover has the main aspects of the front covers that I reviewed earlier on for this task. I have used a recognizable mast head. The cover is not too cluttered so the audience's attention is affixed on one main point (Sir Galahad) and not lots of cover text. Because this is a one off magazine, the mast head is not particularly recognised down the street, however the name will be known throughout the school and so the mast head is only applicable to the target audience, which were the members of the school mainly.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media product does not really represent particular social groups. The closest I have to this being the case is that of a happy school boy on the front cover in a medium close-up shot. This shows how the students at the school are happy and enjoying life at their relevant school. On the contents page, I have an image of someone playing snooker, and so this represents how school life is enjoyable at my school. On my front cover I use a range of bright colours which could represent how there are cheerful colours which mean happy life.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
My media product will be distributed by the school itself as, honestly, I don't really see people walking into WHSmith and buying a magazine about our school. This magazine will be handed out at school as these people and people associated with the school will be the only people interested in my product.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my media product would be three main categories: students of the school, parents who are involved with the school either through their children or as part of the PTA and members of the public who are looking for a change in education for either themselves or for their children. With these three audiences, I feel that it covers enough to mount a serious challenge to other schools.

How did you attract/address your audience?
I attracted my audience by using vivid colours and photography of the main grounds. I used an image of a student and a sophisticated looking mast head. These things combined would stand out and so this attracted my audience.
I addressed my audience by using items and objects found around the school. This made sure that I was only addressing my target audience and so I fulfilled my objective.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During this project, I learnt how to use PhotoShop, iPhoto and, most of all, the actual iMacs which I will be using throughout my media AS. Before I had never used these things and so these were all new items of technology to me. I learnt how to edit and change the format, looks, colour and other things of text, I learnt how to change pictures and how to edit them to make them look more smooth. Overall throughout this project I learnt how to use various softwares which will hopefully come in handy in later life.

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